About us
Our Vision
To Win and Disciple People to Christ.
I Corinthians 9:22
Becoming all things to all men that some may be saved. Mankind’s greatest need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We endeavor to give people what they need most in a way that they will want it or can receive it. By coming to CFC, people can know God, the truth of His Word, and the reality of His Spirit.
Our Values
Our values are the manner in which we do what we do.
We call these Vision Values. These eight values are beliefs that form specific behaviors within the Church that unite us in accomplishing the Vision.
Our Beliefs
Statement of Faith
As we live our lives following these core values and investing into the Kingdom of God, we believe God will build the local church to have an impact and make a difference.
Our Staff
Meet Our Team

Pastor Chris and Debbie Morgan
Senior Pastors
Pastor Doug Johnson
Family Care Pastor
Heather Smith
Wylie Smith
Facility Director
Pam Johnson
Senior Pastor’s Assistant
Wanda Pearce
Student Ministry Director
Tammy Metzger
Creative Arts & Social Media Director
Stephen Klink
Technology Manager